Saturday, January 10, 2009
Holiday School Picture

Passionate about my Christmas Tree
For years, I've been collecting ornaments to put on my tree. I use my sharpie and write the year the ornament was purchased, it's nice to read the years on them as I put them onto the tree. I collect expensive and inexpensive ornaments. I take my time and wrap them each into it's own piece of tissue paper and carefully place them in their bin. My ornaments have been deemed UNTOUCHABLE and everyone knows that - well everyone except Mr. Xavier - although he has learned NOT to touch them, there are those rare times when his "I'm only 1" memory tends to kick in to full gear. I think next year I'll get him his very own 4ft tree so he can leave "my" tree alone - YES I'm worse than that mean ole' Huxley from Elmo in Grouchland when it comes to my ornaments. But just like Elmo, Xavier does not fear that mean ole' Huxley and it shows by the joy TOUCHING MY ORNAMENTS gave him - he didn't even care that I was taking pictures of him. Gotta love this kid
Uhm, yes, he's trying to get this Elmo ornament off the tree and has been trying since I put it on there.
Here are my absolute favorite place to buy ornaments from, the holiday shoppe is closed for the season but you must check them out next year - especially the day after Christmas when the prices are 75% off - SWEEEEET!
Sugar Sweet Corn
I created this layout in 2003. As I was thumbing through one of my scrapbooks I came across this page. I remember this day as if it were yesterday. Our cousin "Mya" wouldn't go to anyone of the ladies in the yard. We couldn't remember if she seen my DH before or not, she went to him with no problem, I was able to capture this shot without them knowing and I think it's the innocence of the picture that I love the most.
Please Don't - Page layout
Printed 5x7 on printable canvas
Printed 4x6 picture on glossy paper AND printed it on transparency, used 3D foam to layer the transparency over the glossy pic and trimmed, when you look at it, it really has that 3D effect.
I cut out the flowers from the top half of the scrapbook paper and used 3D foam to layer it over the existing bottom half of the paper as a border.
The "Please and Don't" were typed using MS Word, printed on transparency and adhered to the scrap used for the border and cut out.
I suffered from "scrappers block" when it came time to fill in that huge blue piece so I added layers of flowers and I think it made a difference, it fits right in as if it were planned from the beginning.
The "Please Don't Poem" was one I found on-line while searching for inspiration. It just made so much sense to me. I can't wait until Xavier is old enough to read it and understand. This was a fun layout to do. Hopefully it started my scrapbooking ignition that has been unable to start for a while. Enjoy
Please hand me a diaper

So, I asked Xavier to hand me a diaper, I guess I had to be a bit more specific, I should have said "hand me the first diaper on top of the stack of 80 diapers" I think that would have been much better. He literally pulled E.V.E.R.Y diaper out of his stacker, he was so busy that he didn't realize I was taking his picture. And to top it all off, he NEVER GAVE ME A DIAPER! When I did get his attention, he clapped his hands and with excitement said "YEAH MIKEY" Too adorable for words.
Friday, January 9, 2009
So you think it's a bike?

Santa Hawes purchased this alphabet caterpillar learning toy for Xavier as a Christmas gift, he absolutely loves it, I think it's one of his favorite gifts yet. Funny thing though, he thinks it's a bike, YUP ya read it right, a bike - he tries to ride it as if it will take him places. Who knows, perhaps it will. Check the length, it's not that long and yet he can stradle it, he'll even pull the string as if it's a horse and screams WHEEEEEE as he goes NO WHERE.
It's been a while
Well I'm not going to say I've been too busy to update this blog, I will say that I just didn't make the time to do so. So much have gone on in the past two months, way too much to post so I'll just post the good stuff pictures included.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Rollin' N Bowlin'
Xavier received the cutest little tyke bike for Christmas, SWEET - he loved it, I don't think he understood what the purpose of this "push" bike was. Soon you'll see, he made his own use for it.
He also received Silly Six Pins, I love this bowling game (truth be told, I got it for me:) he really didn't get into this bowling game yet, but there is still time.
So, with his love of the bike and his like for the bowling, he decided it would be best played if he......dunnn dunnnn dunnnnnn
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