As I was heading to the side of the door where Xavier's carseat is located, this lady stopped her car and asked that I move so she can park because she has a baby? What in the Fuggnicity - clearly she saw that I too had a baby. She then asked that I read where it says "and parents with babies" so I said, I did read it, that's why I parked here and if you wanted this park, you should have gotten here about 5 minutes before me. What nerve! As she angrily pulled off and parked in another spot, as I was pushing my cart towards the store, she stormed passed me and said "this is considered an infant, he's only 6 months old" OKAY lady, please when you wanna prove a point to me, please don't use your 6 month old infant son that weighs at least 30lbs more than my 18month old! Seriously, have you ever asked someone to move their parked car in a public lot so you can have that spot?
First of all the sign says parents with children so she was already WRONG from the jump.
You are better than I am. I would have LAUGHED when she asked that I move my car. Da hayle????? WHATEVER lady!
the nerve- good that you stood your ground!
clearly she was looking for a confrontation, why else would she:
1) ask me to move
2) wait for me to move
3) say something to me while entering the store
I've learned that when people are looking for a confrontation, you kill their spirit with silence. Normally, I would have went off but nope not this lady anymore, no one can get my energy like that. I did however tell her if she wanted that spot, she should have gotten their like 5 minutes before me. Ha
Bee-atch. I've never asked anyone to move...in fact...I've given up spots for old folks. That lady would have heard some pretty significant swear words from me...haha. Good thing it was you, and not me. We prolly would have started scrappin right there in the parking lot...lol.
Laughing at "scrappin" in the parking lot! I'm from NJ so I know the cheeky attitude you speak of...The old me would have probably said something Joisey back at her, but now, I agree with you, she can't take anything from you but she can find another spot.
Tooo funny. I'm glad you handle your business in a calm, cool and collective manner. Especially being with your son. Let's see had that been back in the day, it would have went down a whole other way.
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